Our Philosophy

The Ahaki Institute is guided by Africentric ideologies that focus on amplifying positive African narratives, the role and value of engaging African institutions, and tapping into expertise, and enhancing capacities of individuals and organisations. This philosophy is grounded in the conviction that by amplifying positive African narratives, we uplift communities, drive innovation and foster transformation in the areas of health, human rights and SRHR advocacy.

Africentrism places Africa and its people at the center of academic and practical scholarship. It is drawn from an African world view with a recognition of the diversities in form and practice across the continent. Theories, methodologies, research and its implementation that emerge from this paradigm are rooted in values informed by the day-to-day living, ethics, systems of knowledge production and realities of the continent’s peoples.

Why Choose Us?

Ahaki Institute empowers students to champion health and justice in Africa. We ground our students in African problem solving, while engaging with renown scholars and practitioners in the field of health, human rights and SRHR.

Our programmes are the first of their kind in the region and unique to the continent. They are a result of a careful, evidence-based assessment of the need to train individuals who can seamlessly and quickly navigate the tough world of SRHR Advocacy. The students are exposed to practical challenges in order to develop contextual, real-world solutions, and make immediate impact in the world of health, human rights and SRHR Advocacy.